

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Australian Terrier Breed and Photos and Videos

This Blog Post is about Australian Terrier Breed and Photos and Videos
Australian Terrier Breed

Australian Terrier Temperament
The Australian Terrier is tough, feisty, tenacious, energetic, intelligent, boisterous, adaptable, and agile. He is a touch mischievous with the courage of a much larger dog. An Australian Terrier will be happiest and at his best when in close contact with his family. He shows great affection, gentleness, and loyalty for his immediate family, but can be wary of strangers. He is alert, responsive, curious, protective, and makes an excellent watchdog as he is quick to bark if someone approaches the home. Australian Terriers do not usually display aggression towards other dogs, but they can be a bit bossy. Two unaltered males in the same household will not get along. An Australian Terrier will chase cats, rabbits, and squirrels as his prey-drive is strong. They love to play games with children and do well with youngsters if they are not teased by them. They may snap at a child who teases them. The Australian Terrier is intelligent but needs obedience training because he prefers to follow his own ideas. He can be quite full of himself, yet they are often easier to train than other terriers. They are born diggers and jumpers and have high energy levels, so they need regular exercise and consistent training to help control these behaviors.

Australian Terrier Training
The Australian Terrier is intelligent and quite easy to train. He learns new commands quickly at an above average rate.

Australian Terrier Shedding
The Australian Terrier sheds practically no hair at all. You'll virtually never find a hair in your home!

Australian Terrier Grooming
Pet coat (less work): Cut his coat short every few months and then it only needs to be brushed every so often. 
Show coat (more work): Strip his coat every six months and brush it daily.
Australian Terrier Photos
Australian Terrier
Australian Terrier
Australian Terrier Puppies
Australian Terrier
Australian Terrier
Australian Terrier
Australian Terrier
Australian Terrier
Australian Terrier
Australian Terrier
Australian Terrier


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